Since I was a child I have always loved dogs. I have always liked German Shepards and Pitt-bulls. Then, one day, I went to meet a friend and he had an American Bully trailing behind him. The dog was an impressive mix of two breeds. That was the moment if fell in love with this breed. I began to look for a purebred. I did some research and found and selected Sister K. As I became more and more fond of this breed so did my friend Gorka. Now we are business partners. Gorka wanted a dog for himself. So, when Sister K entered into her third heat we mated her with Gran Dali. One thing led to another and we ended up with 10 dogs to form Passion Bully.
SISTER-K, She is the daughter of Gran Dali and Cherricake. She is the result of inbreeding and the queen of my house. She was the first to arrive. She has made me very happy. Many more dogs have arrived after her but, she remains irreplaceable. It was a dream come true when she had a litter with Gran Dali. That litter gave us wonderful results. Not only for us but for our clients as well. She is Golpeo’s mom. Seeing what she gave us and what ‘ Peseta’ has given us, it is clear that those two will be very important pillars in Passion Bully’s growth plan. This is the breed that we like and that we want to improve.
PESETA, She is the daughter of Gran Dali and Karma. She is the result of bad news. They told me that my bitch couldn’t get pregnant so, I bought Peseta. We have a lot of good studs planned for her.
VEYRONA, What can I say about the precious daughter of Veyron. In my opinion, she is our well made ‘exotic’. At the end of the summer she will have a much deserved rest. After that, we have planned a stud that we are very excited about.
FARIÑA, This female is from the litter of Cacique and Veyrona. We like her very much. We know that she offers a lot for our growth base. Very soon we will see what she and Golpeo give us.
PANTOJA, She is the daughter of Bullseye and Lola. She had a fantastic litter with Gran Dali. We are considering mating her with Golpeo or with a more exotic male.
GOLPEO, He is the son of a double inbreeding with Great Dali and Sister-K. That makes Great Dali his father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Some might say that we are crazy to do these types of crosses. However, I think that the results speak for themselves. Golpeo is the underdog of Passion Bully. At birth he was nothing special. His sisters were more attention grabbing that he was. We had our doubts about selling him for a few reasons. First, to be honest, because I didn’t see what I had expected and I wasn’t impressed. I never imagined that he would turn out the way he has. Second, despite receiving good offers for him, on the whim of my business partner we kept him. Just look where he gotten to. With each passing day we are more surprised by what we see. We say he is doing it on purpose to get back at us.
MALIBA, She is a mixed exotic breed: Veyron and Grand Dali (Bulma). She is the perfect combination to work with two branches.
KUKI, She is 5 times the daughter of Dali and Dompi Jr. She arrived to strengthen out Kennel and give those features that are so characteristic of the ‘Chino’. Soon we will cross her with Golpeo. We will see what we get from that match.